Saturday, March 22, 2008

tastes of the road with Culmer

Jeff Culmer, blogger extraordinaire, is always blogging about the lives of other people and it seems that no one ever blogs on him... until now. he will help us explore what it's like to eat on the road.

this face followed the statement, "i just ate a vegetable i've never had before and it tasted like oatmeal." forgive the poor picture quality... it was taken with the cell phone.

later, to make up for the lack of dinner, Culmer had some mott's strawberry applesauce. thanks to Christy for helping with this picture by holding a flashlight.

after a long night of work, culmer enjoys a snack. who knew that dipping spicy nacho doritos in dean's french onion dip could be so good?!? try it - it's worth it.

according to culmer links increase traffic... we'll see

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