Friday, March 14, 2008

man lounge?

every day Christy puts out tape arrows so that we can find our way around in a place that most of us probably haven't been before. i always look for the star, which we use for the crew room so that the local crew won't go in there, and catering... that's pretty much all i ever need. this day was a lot like the others. here's what the crew room often looks like.

on this particular day, there was a new tape arrow... one that intrigued me and the other guys. what in the world is a man lounge? and are we allowed in it, or is it just for the artists? when i felt sure that there was no artist in there i had a little peek inside. what i found was beautiful -- and was even better when i found out that crew was allowed in. there were couches, and cable, and even a hot tub!

here's to the man lounge. may we meet again.

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